48 Sheet | A form of billboard, a large format advertising display intended for viewing from extended distances |
96 Sheet | A form of billboard and twice as large as a 48 sheet |
A2 Back of Driver | A bus Passenger Panel format positioned behind the driver and facing head-on towards those onboard |
Adshel | Perspex or glass covered, 6 sheet poster sites situated in bus shelters |
AR | Augmented Reality - a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view |
ATL / BTL | Above The Line / Below The Line |
Audience | Any audience reflecting the most desired consumer prospects for a product or service, defined by age, sex, race, ethnicity or income; or their combinations for any geographic definition |
Awareness | A measurement of knowledge of the existence of a brand or its advertising. Measured spontaneously or prompted. |
Backlit | Describes a poster display in which the advertising message is illuminated from behind |
Backlit T-Side | As per a standard Bus T-Side format, but fully illuminated from behind, offering maximum advertiser standout during darker seasons |
Banner | Large vinyl poster site, usually found on the side of a building |
Billboard | Large format advertising displays intended for viewing from extended distances. Billboard displays include, but not limited to: 48 sheets, 96 sheets, portrait sites or Golden Squares |
Campaign | A promotional effort based on the same strategy and creative idea |
Colour Bus | As per a wrapped bus, but in this instance the window areas are left uncovered |
Commuter Card | A bus Passenger Panel format positioned along both sides of the bus above the passengers onboard |
CPT | Cost per Thousand - the cost of delivering 1,000 impressions from individuals who notice the advertising on displays in a market |
Coverage | The number of people who will see a campaign at least once |
Cycle | Outdoor advertising operates in 2 week bursts i.e. a cycle. This is the length of time an outdoor campaign is in-situ for. Multiple cycles can be purchased to extend the length of a campaign |
DOOH | Digital Out-of-Home or DOOH. Any OOH display that can change its advertising content using digital technology |
DSP | Demand-Side Platform (eg buying side facing clients or agents) |
SSP | Supply-Side Platform (selling side eg MO upload) |
Distribution | The strategic placement of OOH units across a market. The distribution of units will impact the reach of the campaign and the demographic profile of the audience that is delivered |
Duration | The amount of time that a panel of a given size can, from its moment of visibility, stay within the audience's vision |
Dwell Time | The interval of time when a consumer is in close proximity to an OOH ad |
FOC | Free of Charge |
GRP | Gross Rating Point - The total number of in-Market impressions delivered by an OOH schedule expressed as a percentage of a market population. One rating point represents impressions equal to 1 percent of the market population |
Head on | When a poster site is facing oncoming traffic or pedestrian flow |
Illumination | Lighting a poster either from above or from behind |
Impacts | The number of times a campaign is seen |
Lightbox | Poster site, most often a 48 sheet or 96 sheet, which is 'back-illuminated' |
MO | Media Owner; a company or individual who has the right to sell outdoor advertising space |
Mega Rear | An advertisement site which covers the whole area of the back of a double-deck bus |
Metro Mega Square | The combination of a bus Mega Rear and Superside, located on the nearside of the bus |
NFC | Near Field Communication - a short range wireless technology. It is meant for applications where a physical touch, or close to it, is required in order to maintain security |
OMA | Outdoor Media Association - The trade association covering the Island of Ireland for poster site owners. Their objectives are to protect and promote the interests of activity and advise members through legal, trading, planning and parliamentary activity and advice www.oma.ie |
OTS | Opportunity To See'; the average number of times an individual notices an OOH advertising message during a defined period of time |
Outdoor | Generic name for external poster advertising |
OOH | Out-of-Home - All types of advertising intended to reach consumers outside the home |
Panel | An alternative name for a poster site |
Parallel Poster | A poster which is positioned parallel to the main traffic / pedestrian flow and as such is visible traffic / pedestrian flow in both directions |
Passenger Panel | Poster sites located inside the bus and come two different sizes, A2 Back of Driver and Commuter Card. The dwell time offered makes them perfect for communicating more detailed messages to those onboard |
Pedestrian Count | Counting the movement of pedestrians past a given point |
Performance | Evaluation of a campaign's achievements after the event, often in terms of coverage and frequency |
POP | Point of Purchase |
POS | Point of Sale |
Poster | An advertising site located outside the home, they come in a variety of standard sizes, measured by the number of sheets |
Poster Specialist | A company that plans and buys an outdoor campaign on behalf of a client often using sites bought from a number of different outdoor media owners |
Posting Date | The date when a poster program is scheduled to commence. A three day leeway is customary |
Purchase Points | A 6 sheet poster located at the point of purchase e.g. at a supermarket or shopping mall |
Purchase Points Express | A 6 sheet poster located at the point of purchase at Tesco Express convenience stores |
QR Code | Quick Response Code - a machine-readable code consisting of an array of black and white squares, typically used for storing URLs or other information for reading by the camera on a smartphone |
Reach | The approximate percentage of a target audience’s population who notice an advertising message at least once during an OOH campaign |
SMS | Short Message Service / text message |
Solus Rear | The poster site located on the lower rear of a bus, provides a head-on display for reaching motorists and their passengers |
SOV | Share of Voice - The percentage of advertising activities for one brand within the total advertising activity for an entire sector or product type |
StorePoints | Advertising posters on security gates located inside the entrance to supermarkets |
Streetliner | Smaller banner poster sites located on both sides of single deck buses and positioned at eye level. Ideal for reaching drivers and pedestrians |
Super Rear | An advertisement site which covers the whole area of the back of a single-deck bus |
Superside | Banner shaped bus-side poster site, most often situated on the nearside of the bus, to be seen by a pedestrian audience |
Traffic Count | Counting the movement of vehicles past a given point |
Trolley Handle advertising | Advertising posters located on the handles of supermarket shopping trolleys |
T-Side | The ‘T’ shaped poster site on a bus, positioned on the driver side, making them ideal for reaching both drivers and pedestrians |
VAC | Visibility Adjusted Contact; the audience rating for an advertising panel. It is not a measure of quality but simply one of the scale of the audience |
Wastage | The proportion of an advertising campaign's expenditure or advertising weight which is not seen or heard by the specified target audience |
Wrapped Bus | An advertisement site which covers the whole of a single or double deck bus. Effectively ‘wrapping’ the entire bus. |