Netflix Thinks Outside the Box with their Out-of-Home Advertising Campaigns
Netflix is a huge player in today’s media landscape, dominating the subscription streaming service market. Despite their massive presence in the digital world, they often turn to more traditional outdoor advertising in order to promote their content. Out-of-home advertising offers Netflix a way to reach audiences when they’re active and more likely to be paying attention to the ads they encounter.
People can fast forward through ads on television and skip or block them online, but they can’t ignore ads plastered on the sides of buildings or busses.
Netflix does a fantastic job using outdoor advertising to complement their digital advertising strategy. Their out-of-the-box outdoor campaigns never fail to generate buzz, and they consistently drive conversation from the streets to social media. With a $2 billion marketing budget, we can expect to see more clever outdoor advertising campaigns from Netflix, but for now let’s take a look back on some of our favourite and most memorable.